What a surprise! An ISIS Twitter account is linking the truck terrorist attack in Nice, France that has killed at
Tag: terrorists
At least 79 dead in Muslim terrorist attack Nice France
79 dead in Nice. Nice, France 79 Dead, 100’s Wounded, Terror https://t.co/OZMi2ZcF3R #RedNationRising — spongedocks (@spongedocks) July 15, 2016 Death
Obama releases Gitmo terrorist member of al-Qaeda & apart of Bin Laden’s 55th Brigade
While everyone is still focused on what blm terrorists did in Dallas this previous week, Obama sneakily released yet another
Micah Johnson’s alias was Fahed Hassen
Micah Johnson went by the alias Fahed Hassen. Micha Johnson or Fahed Hassen, he is a domestic terrorist. Now, that’s
Lakeem Keon Scott shoots three cops in Tennessee, kills civilian Jennifer Rooney
Lakeem Keon Scott yet another black lives matter thug has shot three cops, and killed a woman named Jennifer Rooney
Another terrorist attack in Bangladesh
After 20 people were butchered by ISIS Muslim terrorist in Bengladesh, the bloodshed continues. Yet another terrorist attack has killed
Suddenly Fox News interested in pic of Obama in Muslim garb in 1992
All of a sudden Fox News and gas bag Bill O’Reilly decided to bring up the fact Obama attended his
Bloody Ramadan 2016 ends with over 1,700 killed in the name of Islam
Ramadan 2016 is finally done, Muslims are eating again or something. The final death total from Ramadan Islamic terrorist attack
Three more Ramadan terrorist attacks in Saudi Arabia
Three more terrorist attacks to cap off Ramadan have occurred in terrorist sponsoring Saudi Arabia. Loss of innocent human life
Muslim Mahin Khan arrested on two counts of terorrism in Arizona
Another day, another Muslim pleding alliegance to ISIS has been caught. Meet 18 year old Mahin Khan, a Muslim in