The left is in glee and hopeful (in a bad way) that something is seriously wrong with Clarence Thomas, after

Washington Post classifies assassination attempt on a sitting SCOTUS justice Kavanaugh as “local crime”
The Washington Post is in complete and total meltdown, after the sage between two communist hacks Felicia Sonmez and Dave

Left wing extremists illegally protest at Amy Coney-Barrett’s house
It is illegal to protest at the private property of judges. Of course the Biden corrupt DOJ doesn’t care. So

Now the communist, criminal Democrats are at Justice Samuel Alito’s home
Communist, criminal Democrats are not only showing how putrid and pathetic they are by “protesting” at Supreme Court Justices home,

Psaki suddenly against violence for SCOTUS Justices
Looks like soon to be NBC hack Jen Psaki has circled back on violence against Supreme Court Justices. Last week

Were Justice Kavanaugh kids in the House when Democrats “protested” his house?
Justice Brett Kavanaugh and his wife have two young daughters, who were put threw hell during the confirmation process in

Justice Samuel Alito moved to undisclosed location after left wing death threats
Left wing extremists continue to issue threats against Justice Samuel Alito and his family. There have been numerous death threats

Report: John Roberts trying persuade Coney Barrett and Kavanaugh change their vote on Roe V. Wade
When the communist left “protested” in front of John Roberts house yesterday, I just couldn’t understand why. He’s basically one

Of course, Willard Mitt Romney will vote to confirm Ketanji Brown Jackson
In a surprise, to no one, Willard Mitt Romney from Utah will vote to confirm radical SCOTUS nominee Ketanji Brown

Not a biologist: Associated Press = Kentanji Brown Jackson brains too much empathy to the job.
The Associated Press has come up with a reason why Kentanji Brown Jackson has been so soft on child pornographers