Holy cow. cBS can’t even hide Romney’s domination of Obama during the Hofstra Debate when it came to economic issues.
Tag: Political Polling
U.S. Distrust of media hits record high
Gee, I wonder why. Back in 2004, More Americans trusted the media than distrusted them. Ever since then, the media’s
Panic! New Pew Poll has Obama up 8 (with +15 Obama voters over McCain in 2008)
Do those polling outfits really think Americans are this stupid? If they are just interested in playing to their left
Mitt Romney now leads Obama in battleground state Colorado 47 percent to 45%
It’s all slipping away from Obama. The whole ‘super secret’ hidden Mitt Romney video from Mother Jones has blown up
Obama approval on foreign policy tanks 12 percentage points with independents from last month according to left-wing biased NBC poll
Slip slidin’ away! The only thing Obama had going for him this election cycle WAS high numbers on foreign policy.
Yet again CBS heavily oversamples Democrats D+6 likely voters (D+13 overall) Obama only up by 3 – Romney by 11% with independents
Mitt Romney must be in better shape than I realized. After yesterday’s NBC poll in Ohio with sampling of D+10
NBC releases new oversampled Democrat polls: Ohio D+10, Virginia D+5 Florida D+2
NBC is at it again, releasing heavily Democrat oversampled polls in three key battleground states to try and make Obama
ABC misleads readers (and probably viewers) on new poll – Obama’s convention bounce is toast
I told you people to calm down didn’t I? Obama’s so called convention bounce is gone. Among likely voters, Obama
Panic! Remember when Walter Mondale led Ronald Reagan in Gallup’s polling in 1984?
Everyone is freaking out over the recent polls showing Obama getting a bounce from the DNC convention. Media hacks and
Are you better off than you were four years ago? More than half of Americans are worse off
Heh. Whenever The Hill releases a poll, you have to figure they will favor Obama in it. But this poll,