Obama really loves them Mullahs in Iran. Reports now (from the Weekly Standard) and some Arab newspaper have Obama working
Tag: obama
Obama posed for photo with ’70s porno photograher Terry Richardson
Obama posed with ’70s porn photograher Terry Richardson. All the rumors about Obama and the Chicago bath houses don’t seem
Obama begs Netanyahu for ‘breather’ from criticizing Iran deal
How presidential. Valerie Jarrett’s puppet Obama apparently called up Bibi Netanyahu today and begged him to ‘take a breather’ from
Obama writes leftist teacher Thomas J. Ritter about ‘tea baggers’
Thomas J. Ritter is some leftist kook who sadly teaches fifth grade Sally B. Elliott Elementary in Irving, Texas. Thomas
Obama now holding ‘secret’ talks with terrorist group Hezbollah
Obama has been holding ‘secret’ talks with Muslim terrorist group Hezbollah being moderated by the Brits. Well I guess it
Netanyahu scolds Obama during phone call on Iran nuke deal
Bibi Netanyahu let Obama have it on the ‘phone call‘ Obama finally gave Netanyahu some 12 hours after the Iran
Obama Unfreezes $8 Billion in Iranian Assets
Ayotallah Obama has released $8 billion in frozen assets to Iran. This is a gift to Iran as a part
Pastor Saeed Abedini not even part of Iran nuke discussions
Pastor Saeed Abedini was not even a topic of discussion in the Iran nuclear talks. Pastor Saeed Abedini who has
Obama has not spoken with Netanyahu since Iran deal was made
America’s Ayatollah Hussein Obama didn’t even have to common decency to speak with Israel PM Benjamin Netanyahu about the deal
Media Matters Eric Boehler – GOP opposition to Iran nuke deal just mindless obstruction
And here come the radical progressive liberal Democrats and Obama supporters. According to idiot Eric Boehler of George Soros funded