The FBI is far too busy to bother with filing criminal charges against those responsible for the IRS targeting of
Tag: obama
Barack Obama and Michelle sleeping in seperate bedrooms now?
Are Barack Obama and Michelle Obama on the verge of a divorce and sleeping in separate bedrooms? If you want
Barack and Michelle Obama marriage problems
Aww. Barack Obama and mooch Michelle Obama’s marriage is in trouble and on the rocks. I guess that would explain
Oregon: Feds Tell Veteran Pat Kirby He Will Lose 2nd Amendment Rights Because of PTSD
Vietnam Veteran Pat Kirby of Oregon is now being told by the feds that he must turn in all of
Ted Cruz to Shannon Bream: Obama is a lawless President VIDEO
Shannon Bream of Fox News had a brief interview with Ted Cruz today. Leftists of course are slitting their wrists
Judge Jeanine crushes leftist hypocrisy on Obama scandals and Christie bridgegate
Judge Jeanine Pirro used her ‘Opening Statement’ on her program tonight to expose progressive liberal hypocrisy on Obama scandals with
Obama snubs Ariel Sharon funeral – will send Biden
Obama once again snubs Israel and wouldn’t bother to attend the funeral of Ariel Sharon. Unlike Obama’s attending the funeral
The media hype of BridgeGate vs Obama scandals in one cartoon
So far, there have been 44 times more coverage of Chris Christie’s ‘Bridgegate’ than there has been of Obama’s IRS
Obama’s NSA: Leaked document shows iPhone spyware program
Isn’t it bad enough to deal with spyware without Obama’s NSA? Now iPhone users get to deal with spyware, compliments
5 people shot dead in Mexico with Eric Holder-Obama Fast and Furious gun
Obama and Eric Holder has resulted in at least another five deaths in Puerto Peñasco. A gun tracked to Obama