Ha Ha America. You got played. Remember that bullshit about if you like your insurance you can keep it? Apparently,
Tag: obama
Even the Germans hate Obama
Remember when Obama was so beloved by the idiots in Europe? He went off to Europe in 2008 and spoke
Bill Clinton bashes Obama again! World coming apart (VIDEO)
Oops. He did it again. Bill Clinton bashed Obama. It’s not like I disagree with BJ on the fact the
Obama censors Hollande for saying Islamist Terrorism
Welcome to Obama’s America, where the Hussein regime will censor you if you use the words Islamist Terrorism, as French
Obama’s heartless responses to terrorism
Obama’s heartless response to the Brussels terrorist attack isn’t anything new for the POS. Even today, with the terrorist attack
Obama trashes Americans again in Argentina
Obama has had a lot of fun on his vacation to Cuba and Argentina. In Cuba, he got to bash
Obama on Brussels terrorist attack – I got a lot on my plate
Obama has his proprieties. Yesterday after news of the Belgium terrorist attack spread around the world, Obama showed how concerned
Obama going to baseball game on vacation to Cuba
Obama is not only going on a vacation to Cuba later this month, he’s even going to attend an exhibition
Obama fails to show at Scalia funeral – has binder full of SCOTUS replacements
Obama is pathetic. We’ve known that for a long time now. So pathetic is Obama that after skipping the Justice
Obama Baltimore #mosquevisit under FBI surveillance since 2010
Not only was Obama speaking at a radical mosque in Baltimore today with ties to the Muslim Brotherhood and Holy