Well, so much for the rhetoric tone down by the communist Democrats and their useful idiots in the media. MSNBC

Well, so much for the rhetoric tone down by the communist Democrats and their useful idiots in the media. MSNBC
Karma is a bitch, isn’t it NBC and you scum at the network? Apparently, following the att3empted assassination of Donald
Now it’s NBC and Lester Dolt’s turn to try and save Biden’s ass. ABC and George Stephanopoulos couldn’t pull it
So apparently, Joe Biden got another pre-arranged question interview, this time from Morning Joe and Comrade Mika.. After Biden “phoned
This is without a doubt the best 4th of July in years! Communist Democrats melting down everywhere, Joe Biden not
Wow… these communist media hacks really must be losing a lot of sleep after the destruction of their Democrat party
Wait… Is Rachel Maddow an immigrant? An illegal immigrant? Because the nut job communists had a meltdown on air claiming
No satisfied with grooming kids, now corrupt ass NBC and their streaming service “Peacock” will be launching a brand new
These people are not only disgusting Nazis, they are also beyond morbid… Now Jen Psaki is just hoping Trump dies,
Tim Scott may be Trump’s running mate and eventual Vice President… Today, the media is starting to realize that and