So now Kamala’s communist economic policy is now called she has grown up in a middle-class family? Looks like it,
Tag: NBC Obama Bias

Lester Holt (the dolt) of NBC blames Trump for his own a-sassination attempt
It would be easy to just blame filthy Democrats for their rhetoric that lead to today’s second failed Trump assassination

MSNBC calls for prosecution of Elon Musk for exercising his right to free speech, calls him poison
And the media gets more dictatorial as each day passes. After calling Elon Musk “poison”, MSNBC and the left wing

Liar! Kristen Welker of NBC says Kamala attended dignified transfer of 13 Americans k-lled in Afghanistan (she didn’t)
Filthy liar from NBC Kristen Welker this morning on NBC claimed that Kamala Harris attended the dignified transfer of the

Gold Star mom Kelly Hoover (mother of Taylor) owns obnoxious NBC hack for questioning why Trump was at Arlington National Cemetery
These media scum have absolutely no shame…. They bring on gold star mother Kelly Hoover, who’s son Taylor Hoover is

JD Vance destroys propaganda hack Kristen Welker over Kamala on the border (NBC)
So today you had JD Vance on NBC, battling propagandist hack Kristen Welker.. .On Fox News Sunday, you had RFK

Jen Psaki Says Kamala Is ‘Charismatic’ Like Hillary Clinton
More bad news for Kamala. MSNBC hack Jen Psaki is actually now comparing her to Hillary Clinton, claiming Kamala is

Wisconsin women not impressed with Kamala Harris (according to MSNBC)
No matter how much the media tries to spin Kamala Harris as some “tough on crime, smart prosecutor from California”,

Greta Van Susteren whines about NBC firing her, yet keeping Joy Reid, Maddow and Alex Wagner
One of the worst hires Newsmax ever made was hiring discarded leftist trash Greta Van Susteren.. Even worse, her leftist
Meltdown: Joe Scarborough and Mika whine about being yanked off the air yesterday, threaten to quit if it happens again
Well, NBC would never have the courage to dump propagandists who instigated the Trump assassination on Saturday (Joe and Mika),