Donald Trump uses Twitter to share news without the left wing media bias. NBC “news” is making a statement that
Tag: NBC Obama Bias
Katy Tur (NBC) loses sleep over Trump covfefe tweet
Katy Tur and other liberal media hacks didn’t lose any sleep over a lily white terrorist like Kathy Griffin posing
NBC tweets, deletes question is America ready for interracial love
Ah, the Democrat racists at NBC. The mask slipped off of NBC yet again as they tweeted (then deleted when
CNN, NBC have covered Trump negatively 93% of the time
NBC and CNN lead the propaganda Soros media in negative coverage of Trump since he took office with 93% of
New deep state leaks: NBC claims source of info shared by Trump was Israel
The “classified’ information that the Washington Post claimed Trump shared with the Russians was about laptop bombs on flights coming
Kellyanne Conway responds to latest Morning Joe smear
Kellyanne Conway has responded to the fake news from Morning Joe, claiming that Conway hates Trump. Conway’s full response to
MSNBC Mika Brzezinski calls Kellyanne Conway ‘Politics Porn’ star
The unhinged media tantrums continue. Mika Brzezinski who’s daddy was a communist adviser for Jimmy Carter is now calling Kellyanne
Crazy Butch Maddow – Trump wants to kill us VIDEO
There it goes again. Mr. Rachel Maddow is saying crazy stuff like Trump wants to kill Americans or something. Yet
Lyin’ Brian Williams in trouble with MSNBC over Maddow
Looks like Lyin’ Brian Williams is in trouble again at NBC-MSNBC. It all stems from his comments to Maddow during
MSNBC Chris Hayes: Support Coulter’s right to free speech? You are a Nazi
MSNBC Chris Hayes, yet another fine example of NBC, has a message if you support Ann Coulter’s right to free