Yet another NBC pervert has been caught. Dan Switzen, director for CNBC was arrested for allegedly planting a hidden camera
Tag: NBC Obama Bias
Hannity to expose CNN and NBC on January 2 2018
Sean Hannity, who is currently on vacation until after New Years is hinting that he will expose CNN and NBC
10 victims of Mark Halperin sexual harassment school Mika Brzezinski
Isn’t it kind of funny? That after Roy Moore lost the election in Alabama, suddenly Democrats don’t care about women
Andrea Mitchell NBC triggered over Ben Carson prayer
The liberal media is horrified. Americans are getting to keep more of their hard earned money. But Andrea Mitchell and
Chris Matthews is ninth NBC personality to be accused of sexual harassment
With Chris Matthews being exposed of having NBC pay off a sexual harassment claim in 1999, he becomes the ninth
Chris Matthews silent on sexual harassment allegations
Today was the first show for Chris Matthews on MSNBC of “Hardball.” After it was revealed over the weekend that
There may be more sexual harassment claims against Chris Matthews
Now that it’s been revealed that NBC paid off a woman that accused Chris Matthews of sexual harassment back in
NBC paid off sexual harassment claim against Chris Matthews
Well, well well. It seems old thrill up his leg Chris Matthews was accused of sexual harassment too! Why am
Even Saturday Night Live is spreading fake news! – Claims Mueller subpoenaed Deutsche Bank for Trump finances
Is CNN writing skits for Saturday Night Live now or something? The so called “Weekend Update” which hasn’t been funny
Chuck Todd: Gloria Allred continues to enhance her reputation
I almost had to do a double take when I saw sleepy eyes Chuck Todd praising Gloria Allred as “enhancing