So there you have it, according to MSNBC, the pipe bomb hoaxes mailed to Obama, Clinton, CNN ETC, which weren’t
Tag: NBC Obama Bias
Fake news! NBC issues correction two days later after lying about Trump and Robert E. Lee
On Friday, the corrupt propaganda media nuts, falsely claiming that Trump called Confederate General Robert E. Lee “incredible.” That was
Racist MSNBC Ali Velshi and Stephanie Ruhle call Kanye West assault on our White House
I don’t listen to the Kanye West’s music, or really care what he says or does one way or another.
Now Chuck Todd is bashing Creepy Porn Lawyer Avenatti
First, it was CNN throwing Avenatti under the bus, the network that gave him a platform to begin with. Now,
Julie Swetnick told NBC on camera things that differ from written statement
Just how credible is Julie Swetnick? Aside from the multiple lawsuits filed against her in the past, NBC even was

Cristina King Miranda deletes Twitter account after claiming she knew of Blasey-Ford Kavanaugh incident
Cristina King Miranda, one of the women who signed the letter supporting Christina Blasey-Ford was caught in a lie on

NBC Joe Scarborough: Trump more damaging than 9-11
The media has said plenty of disgusting and over the things since Trump won and became POTUS. What Mika’s little

NBC accused of covering up Sil Lai Abrams rape
Sil Lai Abrams was to set reveal her rape allegations against rape mogul Russell Simmons and Extra host A.J. Calloway.

Andrea Mitchell cites Farrakhan as Evidence of ‘Inclusive Group’ at Aretha’s Funeral
Andrea Mitchell is a rabid partisan Democrat, despite being married to Alan Greenspan. With that said, she is also Jewish,

Fake News: Business Insider claims Mueller to ‘drop something big’ Friday 8-31
All day, leftists were crapping their pants. On Thursday, NBC hack Sleepy Eyes Chuck Todd hinted that Mueller was going