Drunk Nancy Pelosi apparently didn’t like being questioned about rapist Joe Biden. The drunk, botox injected hag screeched “I don’t

Drunk Nancy Pelosi apparently didn’t like being questioned about rapist Joe Biden. The drunk, botox injected hag screeched “I don’t
The lazy drunk Nancy Pelosi is always whining about how how evil Trump is and how he screwed up with
As the Senate finally is in the process of restocking the Small Business Loan fund that ran out two weeks
Hack Chris Wallace of Fox News Sunday gave a platform to non other than gourmet ice cream eating Nancy Pelosi
What is the drunk Nancy Pelosi hiding? She refuses to take a coronavirus test, despite working in close proximity with
Lazy San Francisco drunk Nancy Pelosi is already looking for a fourth stimulus bill. Trump has mentioned that another one
Looks like Nancy Pelosi had some issues with her dentures this morning as she stood smugly with Chuck Schumer as
Botox drunk Nancy Pelosi ripped up the State of the Union containing the names of heroic people such as the
Assuming anyone dares stepping on the poop filled streets of San Francisco, you could see a banner flying over Pelosi’s
So it turns out, just like I thought that Nancy Pelosi’s ripping up of the SOTU speech was pre planned