Nancy Pelosi is losing it, literally. Even during a softball interview, on a communist friendly channel like CNN and with
Tag: Nancy Pelosi

Nancy Pelosi not negotiating in good faith, stimulus dead
Congratulations Nancy Pelosi and communist Democrats. You insistence on funding for illegal alien health care, bail outs for failed blue
Drunk Pelosi wants to impeach Trump for picking a new Supreme Court Justice
Communist Democrats still have impeachment fever and there is no cure. Now, the botox drunk Nancy Pelosi is threatening to
Leftist takes a dump on Nancy Pelosi’s driveway at her San Francisco home
I hope those $20,000 freezers are ok. Someone decided to go to Pelosi’s San Francisco mansion and take a poop
Pelosi now sending attorney after Erica Kious – eSalon owner
Drunkard Nancy Pelosi, who demands an apology for exposing her in the eSalon in San Francisco has not only demanded
Drunkard Nancy Pelosi says we need $25 billion for the post office because of the tooth fairy and Santa Clause
If you weren’t already convinced that the Democrats jumped the shark on this whole USPS farce they’ve been pulling, maybe
Nancy Pelosi’s father Thomas D’Alesandro Jr. helped dedicate confederate monument in Baltimore
No wonder Nancy Pelosi wants to remove confederate statues and monuments. Her family tree contains people who helped make confederate

Drunk Nancy Pelosi demands 11 statues be removed from Capitol Hill
Democrats have been “beheading” and vandalizing statues all over the country. Even in Dallas, a statue of a Texas Ranger

Drunk Pelosi wants to give illegal aliens a guaranteed minimum income in next coronavirus package
Once again, the communist Democrats are showing that they care more about illegal aliens than American citizens. Already with talk

Watch: Drunk Pelosi chews dentures, spins for rapist: Joe Biden is Joe Biden during meltdown
As the botox inject drunk Nancy Pelosi had her “don’t lecture me” meltdown today to her BFFs in the press,