Zhao Chunli is the latest mass shooter in California, this time in Half-Moon Bay, just south of San Francisco. I

Zhao Chunli is the latest mass shooter in California, this time in Half-Moon Bay, just south of San Francisco. I
Left wing extremists rioted over the weekend in Atlanta and also beat up Fox News weatherman Adam Klotz when he
Huu Can Tran has finally be identified as the mass shooter who has killed at least ten people, with ten
Joe Biden says AntiFA is “just an idea” or something. But last night in Atlanta, AntiFA terrorists rioted, broke storefront
A child of Massachusetts communist Democrat Katherine M. Clark Jared ‘Riley’ Dowell was arrested this weekend for left wing terrorist
Scumbag Democrats and media can’t even wait for the the name of the suspected shooter to come out before trying
The Lunar New York mass shooter in Monterey Park is now in a standoff with police in Torrance, California. The
Another mass shooting has occurred in yet another “gun free zone”. This time it was at a Lunar New Year
Earlier in the week, left wing terrorists at AntiFA called for a “night of rage” in Atlanta. Well, the night
Each and every day, the masks slips off more and more from the left, and the communist media like the