CNN”s Fredricka Whitfield actually said just hours after the attack on the Dallas police station that James Boulware was ‘courageous
Tag: Left Wing Extremists
James Boulware – Dallas police shooter confirmed dead
James Boulware the shooter at the Dallas police station has been confirmed dead. James Boulware is nothing more than a
Alberto Iber fired (Miami-principal) for defending McKinney cops
Alberto Iber was fired from his job as principal at North Miami Senior High School. Wbat did Alberto Iber do
#McKinneyLootCrew – thugs ready to loot, riot, beat whitey
#McKinneyLootCrew is hoping for riots so they can loot like their thug partners with the Baltimore loot crew. A few
Houston cop shot in back during routine traffic stop
The war on cops continues. A Houston area cop was targeted has been shot in the back during a routine
Communist party stands with #blacklivesmatter trouble makers
Good news for the #blacklivesmatter trouble makers, rioters and looters. You have a partner supporting you in the Communist party
Leftist calls in bomb threat to Joni Enrst Roast and Ride
Leftist domestic terrorists called in a bomb threat at Joni Ernst’s ‘Roast and Ride’ event in Iowa. A leftist male
Black Muslim Usaama Rahim allegedly planned to behead cop
The war on cops could have taken a very bad turn yesterday. Reports are now saying that Usaama Rahim ‘allegedly’
Leftists smear Michelle Malkin for photo she never used
Michelle Malkin is always a big target for leftists. Now, leftists are smearing her over a photo, she never used
Feminist Frequency thinks video game Witcher 3 is sexist
Forgive me for not knowing who, or caring who runs Feminist Frequency blog. It’s obviously popular, and has over 250,000