Why are progressive liberal Democrat run cities so violent? After two blacks were shot by police in Falcon Heights, Minnesota
Tag: Left Wing Extremists
Democrats spending at least $800,000 to harass RNC delegates
A leaked e-mail has revealed that slimy Democrats are spending at a minimum of $800,000 to harass RNC delegates at
#AmericaWasNeverGreat trends on Twitter from mostly black leftists
#AmericaWasNeverGreat seems to be the latest hashtag leftists like to trend on Twitter. If you look through the hashtag though,
Feminism: It’s sexist for a disabled man to offer female help in moving harp
Here is yet another example of feminism from the whack job leftists from around the world. Someone named Sam Hickman,
Explosive in Central Park was a home made device, De Blasio claims no terrorism
So a man steps on a home made device or firecracker and his leg gets blown off in Central Park.
Stabbings at Neo Nazi rally in Sacramento (National Socialists)
You have a Neo Nazi rally in Sacramento, you are going to get shit like what happened today. Of course
Leftists burn American flag in San Francisco, post it on Twitter
Progressives consider it free speech to burn American flags like these nuts in San Francisco did. However, you speak out
Look at these freaks arrested in San Jose for anti-Trump violence
If you want to see what a progressive looks like, look no further than the following four freaks, arrested for
New video emerges of anti-Trump thugs in San Jose
A new video has come out of anti-Trump left wing extremists and their mob, punching and cussing those who may
Latinos in California at Plaza Mexico refuse to allow Bernie Sanders to speak
Progressive Latins have shown over the past several weeks that they are nothing more than violent thugs who will attack