Neither Daily Gator or myself are exactly Trump homers. But the bullshit being put out by the media about the
Tag: Left Wing Extremists
Photos of the peace loving anti-Trump progressives in Costa Mesa
The anti-Trump progressive liberals who always show up to protest at Trump rallies claiming they favor love over hate. They
Progressive in a panda suit threatens to blow up Fox 45 building in Baltimore
Even though Fox News has become the mouthpiece for Donald Trump, progressives still hate everything and anything Fox. In loony
Feminism explained in one video
Feminism is a joke. A progressive card to try and make females feel like they are victims. It’s the same
Progressive punk arrested after threatening to bomb Trump rally in Waterbury
Meet Sean Taylor Morkys. He’s a Connectcut progressive liberal who treatened to bomb a Donald Trump rally in Waterbury. Morkys
Gangster rap “song” calls for Trump assassination
Remember when the media whined about how placing targets on congressional districts was calling for violence? Yea, we’ve come a
E-mails to CO GOP Chair Threaten: support Trump or hide the family and pray you make it to Cleveland
Seems Trump fanatics are getting that violence bug from progressive. Though not necessarily directly from the Trump campaign, ABC claims
Progressives start riot again at Trump rally in Pittsburgh
Progressives just can’t help themselves. They are always looking to riot and start violence, especially when you are in shitholes
Progressives destroy war memorial in Gainesville
Progressives, like ISIS are destroying historic memorials around the country. The latest was in Gainesville, Florida where progressives decided to
High net worth individuals buying survival bunkers in anticipation of civil unrest
Are the rich elites anticipating World War III coming to this country or something? They are buying up bomb proof