Brittany Herring live streamed on Facebook the torture of a white Chicago man. The black leftist thugs who beat and
Tag: Left Wing Extremists
Tucker Carlson obliterates pencil neck geek Jake Bittle attacking Trump admin
Tucker Carlson is back from his New Years vacation (While O’Reilly is still running re-runs tonight). And with Carlson back,
Heckuva Job, Rahm! 762 killed in Chicago 2016
I despise Chicago. I despise the city, the government and the arrogant population that not only included Obama, but also
Josh Marshall (Leftist-TPM) tweets pornhub link
Leftists are creepy. No matter how you slice it. Josh Marshall, who basically stole the name Talking Points Memo from
Left wing extremist kills Pennsylvania state trooper
It’s been a bloody year for police all over the country. Between the black lives matter terrorists and other left
Atheist left wing loon demands McDonalds stop playing Xmas music
You’ve just got to love the peace and tolerance left wing loons, like this chode exhibit on a daily basis.
List of 17 faked hate crimes since Trump win in November
Since Trump’s win in November, progressive liberal Democrats have thrown everything, but the kitchen sink at Trump to try and
Trump Tower lobby evacuated over suspicious package
Left wing terrorism is on the rise, as we’ve seen at the malls since Christmas has ended. Now, a suspicious
Leftists on Twitter wish Trump death with #Dear2016 hashtag
Lets face it, aside from the election, this year pretty much did suck. That’s what the #dear2016 hashtag on Twitter
Hussam Ayloush California Democrat board member wishes more died in Russia plane crash
Muslim Hussam Ayloush is a California Democrat board member and Executive Director of the Los Angeles Council on American-Islamic Relations