Even with Obama out of office, the leftist Democrat war on cops continues to rage on. Leftists claimed another life
Tag: Left Wing Extremists
Democrats throw bottles, rocks at Trump motorcade in Palm Beach
In typical Democrat fashion, they tossed rocks, bottles and other projectiles at Donald Trump’s motorcade in Florida as he was
Democrat “protesters” knock 71 year old Dana Rohrabacher staffer unconscious
GOP Rep. Dana Rohrabacher staffer Kathleen Staunton was knocked unconscious by progressive liberal Democrat thugs “protesting” the Rep’s office. That’s
CBS promotes smashing Stephen Miller head with a baseball bat
CBS and the Late Show with assclown Stephen Colbert are now promoting violence against Trump adviser Stephen Miller. Progressive terrorists
Democrats send Joy Villa death threats for Trump dress
Right on cue, crazy left wing Democrats are sending death threats to singer Joy Villa because she wore a Trump
White liberal fantasy vs reality on Muslims
So now, Muslims are the biggest group of victims to white liberals. First it was the KKK, then it was
Fake News: CMU College Repubicans did NOT pass out Hitler Valentines
A couple of days ago, the fake news Soros media complex spread a story about Central Michigan college Republicans spreading
Now allowed on Twitter: Kill Trump accounts
If you are a conservative on Twitter like RS McCain or Milo Yiannopoulos you get banned for saying something that
Anti-Trump Democrats calling for assassination of Tom Brady
It’s come to this. Anti-Trump leftist Democrats are so upset over not only Donald Trump, but now ever Tom Brady
Dilbert creator Scott Adams stops donations to UC Berkeley after riots
With all the left wing extremist riff-raff at UC Berkeley, Scott Adams had plenty of material in order to come