Left wing extremists were out beating up Trump supporters in Huntington Beach, California. As usual, with the pro-Trump rallies today,
Tag: Left Wing Extremists
Progressive drives to White House gates, claims to have bomb
The left wing progressives are out of control. After earlier today with another fence jumper, another crazy progressive drove up
Milk is now racist at California State University – Long Beach
You had to now this was coming from crazy, unhinged leftists. Now considered racist by Democrats: Milk. Got milk? If
Black thug arrested anti-Semitic vandalism Menorah in Chandler
The media has been going on and on about a rise in anti-Semitic attacks and vandalism since the November election.
Another left wing loon jumps White House fence
Another day, another left wing extremist jumps the White House fence trying to hurt POTUS Donald Trump. Usually these occur
San Francisco Democrat attacks Michael Savage and his dog
Another day, another example of left wing extremism. This time to target was Michael Savage and his dog. San Francisco
Time for Tillerson to investigate US funding of Soros groups
It’s time for Rex Tillerson to do his job as Secretary of State and investigate all the Obama funding of
Left wing extremists destroy Trump golf course in Rancho Palos Verdes
Usually left wing extremists are committing hate crimes against Jews, Muslims or gays and trying to blame the right for
Gangster rapped Snoop Dogg raps about shooting Trump
Forget for a moment that Snoop Dogg is some washed up gangster wrappers who’s days of popularity have passed him
Jonathan Tran – California leftist jumped fence at White House, laid off job
Meet Jonathan Tran. He’s the California leftist nut bag who hopped the White House fence last night, trying to get