Heart Progressive is a new progressive liberal Democrat group gaining popularity among leftists. Some call themselves pedosexuals and they attempt
Tag: Left Wing Extremists
Maycie Thornton Buzzfeed hack joke about Trump assassination
Maycie Thornton director of social media for left wing Buzzfeed has been caught joking about Trump getting assassinated. Maycie Thornton
Left wing extremists burn down 11 homes in Philadelphia, media silent
Left wing extremists are responsible for burning down at least 11 homes in the Philadelphia area, as a part of
Even a North Korea flag made it to the #mayday2017 rally
What we say among the few hundred leftists who “protested” this May 1st, 2017 were vulgarity, USSR flags, signs for
Leftists wear DECAPITATE THE DON at #mayday2017 in New York
This is just another fine example of how much violent left wing extremists are like Islamic terrorists. Now the eft
Nothing says #MayDay2017 like Syrian and Communist flag
Another year, another left wing, Soros funded day of “protests” for May Day. Only problem is, if you look at
Antifa thugs in Berkeley tied to NAMBLA
Try to curb your shock. But some left wing Antifa thugs in Berkeley, responsible for throwing feces among other things
Left wing extremist sets fires at Trump International in Vegas
Roger Fraley, a 28 year old left wing extremists would have done himself more good if he was with the
Like primates, Antifa throwing feces in Berkeley
Just like primates and chimps. Antifa left wing fascists in Berkeley started throwing feces at people who they deemed non-liberal
Antifa pussies hide faces calls disabled veteran coward
Antifa fascists are real pussies. Even Trump wouldn’t grab one. More so called AntiFa “protests” in Berkeley erupted today and