With left wing terrorist group AntFA funded by Nazi George Soros, the beatings of people has gone unreported and excused
Tag: Left Wing Extremists
AntiFa terrorist attacks Latina Fox2 reporter VIDEO
AntiFA terrorists must hate all Latinos and Latinas. Even a Fox2 reporter named Leigh Martinez was assaulted. I double Martinez
NBC refuses to name AntiFa for violence in #Berkeley
As is the case with Islamic terrorists, the media is now refusing to name AntiFa by name for their violence,
‘Peaceful’ AntiFa pours urine on Trump supporter at #Berkeley
Here is some more video of left wing terrorists and “peaceful” AntiFa from today’s violence in Berkeley. AntiFa has moved
#Houston VS. #Berkeley
Two cities, Houston Vs. Berkeley show just how the left has tried to destroy this country. In Houston, you have
Police told to stand down as AntiFA riots in #Berkeley
Left wing terrorist group AntiFa is on the hunt yet again, rioting, beating up Trump supporters and destroying property. But
Like ISIS – Antifa leftist terrorists behead Revolutionary War hero Colonel Crawford statue
Just like ISIS, AntiFA and other left wing terrorist groups have now moved on to decapitating statues, before they move
Progressive Democrats, BLM, Antifa hope people die from Hurricane Harvey
Progressive liberal Democrat, black lives matter and AntiFa left wing terrorists are so happy that Hurricane Harvey has developed into
AntiFa racist arrested for ‘allegedly’ sucker punching black Trump supporter
Over the weekend, AntiFa left wing domestic terrorist held a “rally” to protest white supremacy. Of course, nothing AntiFa does
Reuters Calls AntiFa ‘Peace Activists’
Last night, as left wing terrorist group AntiFa punched black Trump supporters, defaced property and needed tear gas to be