Now you have to watch out for what kind of haircut you get, or you might be attacked by an
Tag: Left Wing Extremists
AntiFa terrorist arrested before bombing Confederate statue in Houston’s Hermann Park
Left wing terrorist group AntiFa was caught before being able to bomb a confederate statue in Houston’s Hermann Park. AntiFa
AntiFa mocks Jerry Lewis death, calls him white supremacist
With comedian Jerry Lewis dying today at age 91, many people were shocked and upset by his passing. Not AntiFa
AntiFa: we are an Anarcho-Communist cause, don’t call us patriots!
AntiFa finally admits what we already knew. They are a communist cause who hate America. No matter how much the
Will Trump pardon Sheriff Arpaio at Phoenix rally?
Will President Trump pardon sheriff Joe Arpaio at his Phoenix rally on Tuesday, August 22? Trump likes to make news
Malik Mohammad Ali Florida cop killer a member of Moorish Nation
Malik Mohammad Ali the left wing extremist and black thug who ‘allegedly’ ambushed and shot two Orlando-Kissimmee area cops to
2nd of six police officers shot on Friday dies
Black lives matter and left wing extremists went on rampages in Florida and Pennsvania last night, shooting a total of
Antifa screams “Fuck off Nazi Scum” at American veteran
Here is some more fine example of liberal progressives aka AntiFa extremists in action in Boston today. As an American
AntiFa terrorists toss bottles of urine at police in Boston
AntiFa terrorists by the thousands came out in Boston today to protest “white supremacy,” free speech and police. After six
Antifa attacks woman with American Flag in Boston
As the media continues to lie about how “peaceful” the protests and counter protests in Boston have been so far