I’m still kind of curious about that person of interest who was detained after the Santa Fe High School shooting
Tag: Left Wing Extremists
Dimitrios Pagourtzis wore bisexual pride heart pin and communist hammer and sickle pin
Dimitrios Pagourtzis wore bisexual pride heart pin on his baseball cap, yet no one seems to have noticed it. As
Dimitrios Pagourtzis mugshot
Here is the mugshot of terrorist Dimitrios Pagourtzis. He is being held without bond on capital murder charges. He killed
The ‘Nazi’ Iron Cross logo worn by Pagourtzis is used by current German Air Force
Leftists and the Democrat are desperately trying to claim that Santa Fe High School shooter Dimitrios Pagourtzis is a Nazi
Dimitrios Pagourtzis Santa Fe High School shooter
Dimitrios Pagourtzis is the name of the Santa Fe High School shooter in Texas today. At this time there are
CNN Chris Cillizza deletes tweet showing Trump in gun crosshairs
CNN editor at large Chris Cillizza tweeted out a picture of POTUS Trump appearing in gun crosshairs with the wording
Melania Trump hospitalized after kidney surgery – Leftists hope she dies
Melania Trump hospitalized after successful kidney surgery. First Lady Trump will remain at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center for
MSNBC host Nicole Wallace advocates strangling Sarah Huckabee Sanders
Nicole Wallace, the John McCain campaign adviser from 2008 who got a job on MSNBC because she hates Trump is
12-year-old autistic boy arrested for playing with imaginary rifle at school
David Sims, an autistic 12 year old boy was arrested at his school. Not for actually carrying a gun with
Kimberly Guilfoyle working with another victim of Eric Schneiderman
Turns out, progressive liberal Democrat AG of New York, Eric Schneiderman has physically abused more than the four women mentioned