And the left continues it’s terroristic threats. In between stealing a MAGA hat and punching a man for having a

And the left continues it’s terroristic threats. In between stealing a MAGA hat and punching a man for having a
After that horrendous car accident in which South Carolina GOP Rep. candidate Katie Arrington was seriously injured, the leftists growl
It took awhile, but left wing extremist Kino Jimenez has finally been arrested. In the early morning hours of July
A gray haired left wing extremist assaulted a Florida man on the 4th of July as he watched fireworks from
Looks like violent left wing extremist Kino Ahuitzotl Jimenez isn’t wanted anywhere after using the n-word, tossing a cup of
After two weeks of being closed for refusing service and hassling the family of Sarah Huckabee Sanders, the communist owned
Kino Jimenez, another violent, frustrated and angry leftist decided to attack a customer (a teenager) at a Whataburger restaurant in
Meet Therese Patricia Okoumou of ‘Rise and Resist.’ She is the left wing nut job who decided to climb the
Open borders Democrats are now “protesting” to allow more illegal aliens in by climbing the Statue of Liberty. Earlier, these
For the past week, the fake news media, lead by NBC homophobe and anti-Semite Joy Reid has been spreading fake