So dumb Joe Biden denied knowing anything about the Michael Flynn, was all a lie. Big surprise, considering dementia rapist
Tag: Joe Biden
Obama and Biden could soon be implicated for their roles in the Russia collusion investigation
If you would have asked me before the Flynn documents and case dismissal by the DOJ if Obama and Biden
The full interview: Tara Reade gives details of Joe Biden rape to Megyn Kelly
Megyn Kelly must be really desperate to land a TV contract again. She came out of nowhere and interviewed Joe
Rapist Joe Biden threatens prosecute Gen. Michael Flynn if he wins
The rapist Joe Biden hasn’t had much to say about Megyn Kelly’s interview with Biden rape victim Tara Reade. But
Megyn Kelly (remember her?) sits down and interviews Biden rape victim Tara Reade
While the main media continues to ignore or smear Biden rape victim Tara Reade, Megyn Kelly, I guess desperate to
Cuomo time? New York Times says communist Democrats need alternatives for Biden
For several weeks now, there have been rumblings about corrupt New York Governor Andrew Cuomo replacing rapist Joe Biden as
Fake news: Associated Press lies, claims Tara Reade report didn’t refer to sexual harassment or assault
If you’ve been on Twitter this afternoon, you may have noticed that the left is trending the hashtag #TaraReadeIsALiar. This
RINO Lindsey Graham defends Biden on Hannity – ENOUGH!
With now a total of nine woman now accusing Biden of sexual harassment, and at least Tara Reade accusing him
Senile Joe Biden claims 600,000 deaths from coronavirus
As the woman continue to accuse rapist Joe Biden of sexual harassment, the idiot continues to show his dementia and
Rapist Joe Biden can’t get the word intercourse off his mind, says it again incoherently
After his softball interview with Comrade Mika on MSNBC about Tara Reade, they then switched to a more familar topic