The cowardly, dementia stricken Joe Biden will only agree to do three debates with POTUS Trump. Of course, with three
Tag: Joe Biden
55 percent of likely voters think “it was more likely that Vice President Biden is in the early stages of dementia”
I suppose I could laugh, But it’s really kind of sad. Senile Joe Biden is likely in the early stages
Loser Joe Biden still doesn’t have enough delegates for Democrat nomination
Even after nine primaries last night, with no competition, Joe Biden still couldn’t clinch the Democrat nomination with enough delegates.
Racist rapist Joe Biden “staff” paying bail for rioters, looters and arsonists in Minneapolis
If you needed any more proof as to who is fueling, promoting and funding these disgusting rioters, looters and arsonists
Joe Biden sounds like he farts in his adult diapers, PA Gov Tom Wolf’s reaction is priceless
Sounds like Joe Biden farted in his adult diapers. Not surprising considering Biden is old, senile and basically a walking
Joe Biden meltdown, bashes Charlamagne tha God calls him “wise guy” says he worked like a devil for black votes
CNN decided to give rapist/racist Joe Biden a do over softball interview today. Problem for the airport news network, and
Does rapist Joe Biden really want to go there with Trump and golfing?
So rapist Joe Biden, who finally emerged out of his Delaware basement today for a photo op on Memorial Day
Racist Biden tells Charlamagne to “get a life”
It wasn’t just the “You ain’t black” soundbite from the disastrous exchange between rapist/racist Joe Biden with the Breakfast, he
More good Joe Biden stuff from the BreakFast Club: Says Hillary Clinton didn’t know it all, not serious opposition
While Joe Biden was pissing off the black vote by claiming if you don’t vote for Joe Biden you aren’t
Racist Joe Biden in the 1970’s: my children are going to grow up in a jungle, a racial jungle
Joe Biden’s documented history of racism goes back a long time. So today’s you aren’t black if you don’t vote