The Gateway Pundit, a great and one of the leading sources of REAL news, is predicting that frail Joe Biden

The Gateway Pundit, a great and one of the leading sources of REAL news, is predicting that frail Joe Biden
Try tried to take your guns and failed. They tried to take your gas powered stoves and failed, unless you
I don’t know much of anything about Hunter Biden’s attorney Kevin Morris. But when Daily Mail UK photographed him smoking
Seems Joe Biden’s sister, Valerie Biden is one of the puppet masters behind the scenes. You would think it’s just
So it’s not only Ukraine where Joe Biden was called “The Big Guy”. In the Biden Crime Family’s China bribes,
FBI tried their best to hide the FD-1023 $5 million bribe form involving Joe Biden. But somehow, 89 year old
All the media could spin about the Biden Crime Family is that there is no “smoking gun” when it comes
Joseph Ziegler has been revealed as “Whistleblower X”. He is a gay Democrat who is married to a man (doesn’t
Today, the media will ignore the IRS whistleblower testimony on Hunter Biden and Biden Crime Family corruption. The second whistleblower,
Well then…. now the mysterious of who’s cocaine bag was found at the White House should be easy to reveal