Joe Biden’s mind continues to fail him. For the last week he’s been on vacation in Delaware while other Democrat
Tag: Joe Biden
Joe Biden bragged about Delaware being a slave state
Joe Biden, the racist once bragged about his appeal in the deep south because he comes from Delaware. He actually
The Biden fade is real! Falls behind double digits in Iowa caucus to fake injun Warren
Biden continues to slip, slide away. Yesterday a poll in New Hampshire showed crazy communist Bernie Sanders leading Biden by
Joe Biden fading away in New Hampshire, trailing Comrade Sanders
Seems Joe Biden isn’t having a good couple of weeks. He’s fallen behind Comrade Bernie Sanders in the latest polling
Dumb Biden: Guns should have trigger locks, need to have thumb print ID
The dumb ass Joe Biden is at it again. Now he’s calling for trigger locks on guns and thumb print
Senile Joe Biden thinks he was vice-president during Parkland shooting
Joe Biden’s mind is really failing him and it’s only August. Now he thinks he was the vice-president when the
Watch: Joe Biden forcefully grabs young female after question about genders
Seems Joe Biden is really losing his shit. Now he’s forcefully grabbing young college females who he perceives as asking
Racist Joe Biden: Poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as white kids
Uh oh. Those racist roots of Joe Biden are starting to show again. Tonight in Iowa, Biden implied that all
Joe Biden asked to name his favorite non presidential historical figure – his answer: Thomas Jefferson
In Iowa, dumb Joe Biden was on the “soapbox” at the Iowa state fair. He was asked to name his
Joe Biden draws dozens for campaign rally in Burlington, Iowa
Sleepy, Creepy Joe Biden had a campaign rally in Burlington, Iowa today. He managed to draw dozes with is pretty