I knew Hawaii was pissed at the rest of us for not getting their aid for the Maui fires and
Tag: Gun Control

Supreme Court strikes down fascist New York gun law, left in total meltdown
We are still waiting for the ruling on the Roe V. Wade being sent back to the states as the

These 14 gutless Republicans joined Democrats in gutting the 2A
Late last night, the Cornyn RINO crew released the text of the latest gun grabbing bill that further erodes your

RINOs release text of gun control bill
The cowardly RINOs, along with their partners in crime, the communist Democrats have finally released the text of their latest

These ten RINOs cave on gun control
As expected, communist Democrats and their enablers in the Senate (RINOs) have announced a package on gun control. This proved

Fox News weasel Bret Baier fawning over Hollywood liberal Matthew McConaughey was disgusting
So today, the Biden regime thought bringing in a Hollywood liberal like Matthew McConaughey to push gun control would help
Apparently the media thinks we should care what Matthew McConaughey (Hollywood lib) thinks about gun rights
All over social media today is the video of Matthew McConaughey at the White House press briefing crying like a

Tax payer funded NPR uses Uvalde victims to spew about AR-15s
I’ve been complaining for decades about how my tax dollars fund left wing propaganda crap like NPR and PBS. Now,

Beto O’Rourke tells veterans that they shouldn’t ‘be able to keep’ their AR-15 (before Uvalde)
I really hope Texas doesn’t get fooled by clown Robert Frances O’Rourke like they almost were in 2018. The gun

As communist Democrats push for gun control, sales of firearms and ammo surge
After every mass shooting, no matter the circumstances, communist Democrats, their lapdogs in the media and some weak kneed Republicans