And here I thought it was just North American crazy over this cow fart crap. Nope.. Even in Ireland, they
Tag: Global warming

Disgusting! New York Democrats post with sign likening “climate change” to 9-11
You know communist Democrats use climate change for propaganda, as if it was some sort of religion or something. But

Hypocrite Mike Bloomberg flies private jet to Bermuda a couple times per month
Mike Bloomberg, like the rest of hypocrite Democrats always whine about “Climate Change” and about how bad this country is

Elizabeth Warren caught getting off private jet in New Hampshire – because, CLIMATE CHANGE!
Don’t you just love limousine liberals who lecture you about so called “climate change”. Elizabeth Warren, the fake injun, who
Liberal Sherpa Cathy Areu – eat tree bark and dandelion instead of meat because global warming
And now some eating tips from liberal sherpa Cathy Areu. She was invited on Tucker Carlson’s show last night to
Kamala Harris: If elected, I’ll have government control what you eat
I’ll give Bernie Sanders, Pete Buttigieg and Kamala Harris some credit here. At least they revealed their true selves last
Pete Buttigieg insults veterans, claims global warming worse than WWII
Last night’s CNN clown show was a joke from top to bottom. Between Joe Biden busting a blood vessel and
Bernie Sanders: we need population control for global warming
Communist Democrat Bernie Sanders hinted at population control during the CNN clown show global warming townhall hall as a way
AOC Chief of Staff admits Green New Deal was never about climate change but taking over economy
Uh oh.. Looks like crazy eyes bartender Ocasio-Cortez Chief of Staff Saikat Chakrabarti finally let the cat out of the
Leftists claim L.A. Earthquakes caused by climate change
As expected, after two massive quakes in Southern California over the last couple of days, guess what the left is