This is so hilarious, yet sad at the same time. The Biden licking propaganda network who stopped anyone who dared
Tag: Fox News
Fox News death spiral gets worse! Absolutely embarrassing ratings for their fawning Biden inauguration coverage
Fox News did all they can to get Biden into office and piss off their viewer base. Almost three months
Fox News “new” lineup bombs, ratings still can’t catch up to MSNBC
Well so much for that “new” lineup at cratering Fox News. Monday, January 18th, 2021 was the first day of
Watch: Fox News hack Chris Wallace compares Biden inaugural speech to JFK 1961
Fox News just can’t help themselves. Uber hack Chris Wallace almost had a thrill up his leg after the Biden
Smug, arrogant Chris Stirewalt laid off by Fox News as ratings crash
Well this brightened my day, at least a little bit. For those of you who used to watch Fox News,
Fox News CEO Suzanne Scott job in jeopardy after historic ratings crash
Fox News officially went to crap on November 3 2020, though they have been drifting towards CNNville for months. Their
Fox News gets crushed! Third place all week in ratings behind CNN and MSNBC
Heh.. This is so funny. Fox News for this entire week, post Capitol violence has been absolutely crushed in the
CNN And MSNBC Beat Fox In Ratings For First Time Since 2000
As Fox News continues is rapid drift into CNN territory coverage, their ratings are so bad, they are now getting
Fox News panics, demotes Biden cheerleading hag MacCallum
LOL! The ratings dive from Fox News as conservative ditch their Biden cheerleading network by the thousands has claimed their
Fox News gets totally destroyed in ratings during Capitol protests (slaughtered by CNN and MSNBC)
How far Fox News has fallen. You’d expect January 6th to big a cable news rating day, and it was…..