It looks like interviewing notorious liar and the Ukrainian version of Michael Cohen was a bad move for CNN. Victor

Fake News and made up stories by the corrupt left wing media cabal smear Donald Trump and Republicans.
It looks like interviewing notorious liar and the Ukrainian version of Michael Cohen was a bad move for CNN. Victor
Democrat socialists are beginning to eat each other now and it’s glorious. It might make this weeks otherwise boring Democrat
Here is yet another example of how your tax dollars are wasted. NPR, the left wing “National Public Radio” that
The media prayed and prayed that the attacks on the US Embassy in Iraq would be another Benghazi. It wasn’t,
Even when the anti-Semitic terrorists who shoot and kill three civilians and one police officer turn out to be left
CNN hack Jeffrey Toobin was so dismayed that this impeachment farce blew up in the face of the Democrats that
I always get a chuckle at the social media platforms that censor conservative news sites, and claim “fake news” or
Yes, even the great dog named Conan who help take out ISIS leader Al Baghdadi draws media attacks from the
The Associated Press earlier today tweeted (and then about an hour later deleted) claimed Trump “constricted” Sondland’s testimony that when
So Faux News and the rest of the left wing media is pushing a BS poll released by non other