After talking tough on the Democrat’s little sit-in/buffet over gun confiscation, Ryan finally caved as expected and will give House
Tag: Donald Trump
45th President of the United States
Fascist FEC votes to “punish” Fox News
The FEC for the first time in American history voted like fascists to “punish” Fox News in a secret vote.
Fox Hack Chris Wallace defends Hillary Clinton on Benghazi
The only reason why Chris Wallace even has a job is because of the legacy of his leftist hack father.
Corey Lewandowski full debut interview on CNN (Erin Burnett hates him)
The hacks at CNN are in revolt over the hiring of Corey Lewandowski (Trump’s former campaign manager). Erin Burnett got
CNN hacks melt down over Corey Lewandowski hire
I love watching the hacks at CNN melt down over the Corey Lewndowski hiring. Dude is getting paid $500,000 and
Bill Kristol, Glenn Beck lapdog Brad Thor to run 3rd party?
How desperate are Never Trump hacks like Bill Kristol and Glenn Beck getting these days? Now, Brad Thor, the hack
Corey Lewandowski To Join CNN
After all the bashing, smearing and character assassination attempts by CNN on Corey Lewandowski, he is joining the network a
Why Democrats pander to Muslims: registration up 300,000 since 2012
Still can’t figure out why Democrats threw the LGBT community under the bus and defend a Muslim terrorists in Orlando?
Biggest loser of the 2016 primary season: The corrupt media
When it comes to winners and losers of the 2016 primary season, there are a lot to chose from, especially
Trump dumps Corey Lewandowski
Trump really stood by Corey Lewandowski during the whole Michelle Fields controversy thing. Now, he doesn’t need him anymore. What