All you hear from leftists, the media and even Never Trump nut bags is how Trump is Hitler or something.
Tag: Donald Trump
45th President of the United States
Google censoring Hillary Clinton health searches #HillaryClintonSearchTerms
Trump has Hannity, O’Reilly and Judge Pirro. Hillary Clinton has the entire media and the top search engine in the
Black Americans chant ‘Hillary Is Racist’ in Miami VIDEO
Here is some more bad news for Hillary and her media cabal. Blacks are now out chanting Hillary is Racist
KKK Grand Dragon Will Quigg endorses Hillary Clinton – media silent
The media goes bat shit crazy whenever David Duke says something about Donald Trump? But what about KKK Grand Dragon
Lindsey Graham: GOP wouldn’t investigate Hillary Clinton because they’re on vacation
Here’s another perfect example of the Never Trump GOP crack pots. Trump wants Hillary Clinton investigated for perjury to Congress
Bill and Hillary show up at Trump’s Austin rally
Turns out two of those who attended tonight’s Trump rally in Austin. Bill and Hillary, dressed the way they should
Hacks hacked – New York Times “reporters” hacked
Looks like some of the left wing hacks at the New York Times got hacked. Oh well. Hacks hacked –
The real reason why Obama went to Louisiana – visit family of Alton Sterling
Obama couldn’t be bothered to do his token visit to Louisiana while on vacation, golfing. Instead, Obama decided to wait
Did Hillary Clinton suffer a cracked head?
Looks like Hillary Clinton had a cracked head (on top of everything else.) A new e-mail released by Wikileaks shows
NBC Katy Tur lies about Trump crowd size in Ohio
Imagine if you will. Selling out a 5,000 seat arena in Akron Ohio, with thousands of people standing outside and