Looks like Hillary Clinton is sick again. I wonder if they’ll go with the recurring pneumonia line this time. Hillary
Tag: Donald Trump
45th President of the United States
CNN lies again! Claims Trump wants racial profiling
Bill O’Reilly interviewed Donald Trump (again) today. Trump mentioned how we need a system in this country like Israel has
De Blasio, Clinton media complex claimed NYC bombing not terrorism
Just a few hours ago, Bill de Blasio (the communist) and the Hillary Clinton media complex were quick to bash
Ahmad Khan Rahami NYC-NJ terrorist arrested (despite de Blasio’s no terrorism claim)
Ahmad Khan Rahami the Muslim terrorist who “allegedly” placed bombs in New Jersey and New York City over the weekend
Suspicious Package aka pipe bombs found on Elizabeth New Jersey tracks – trains stopped
NBC is calling it a suspicious package. Others are reporting a pipe bomb, or multiple pipe bombs. Whatever they are
CNN & Jake Tapper edit out Hillary Clinton saying bombing VIDEO
Last night, the media was quick to bash Donald Trump for calling the New York City bombings a bombing. They
Trump hits highest point yet in L.A. Times/USC, Hillary falls
Today, Donald Trump has hit his highest point yet in the L.A. Times/USC poll. He’s now at 47.7% (previous high
Hillary Clinton calls attack in Chelsea bombing – then media bashes Trump for calling it bombing
Here’s some more wonderful media bias on the Chelsea bombing. The media went into meltdown mode when Donald Trump called
Media caught lying about Hillary Clinton briefing on Chelsea bombing!
CNN didn’t want to cut away from Hillary Clinton and Obama’s Congressional Black Caucus speeches bashing Donald Trump. The only
Explosion in Chelsea, New York – 14 injured
Confirmed: IED exploded in Chelsea, over 20 people now injured. FDNY source reports the explosion in Chelsea/NYC is a confirmed