Despite his famine like appearance, Obama was once bragging about pussy and ribs at the Cambridge Public Library, some years
Tag: Donald Trump
45th President of the United States
Trump statement on 2005 Billy Bush video
Trump released a video statement about the 2005 video with the locker room talk with Jeb’s nephew Billy Bush. Trump
Hillary Clinton calls Bernie Sanders supporters bucket of losers
It’s a good thing Bernie Sanders was paid off by the Hillary Clinton, he might pull his endorsement of Hillary
Who is Billy Bush? Jeb’s nephew
So who is Billy Bush? He just so happens to be the nephew of failed GOP primary candidate Jeb Bush.
Hillary Clinton in Goldman Sachs speech admits she lies to voters
Ok, so today we had a tape from 2005 of Donald Trump speaking about a woman, and how he is
Wonder how Glenn Beck will react to Ted Cruz phone banking for Trump
The Never Trump slobs are freaking out. Ted Cruz put out a picture of home phone banking with Trump/Pence signs
Deplorable! Clinton made ad buy on Weather Channel Florida to campaign off Matthew
Just how deplorable is Hillary Clinton and her rotten campaign? She’s trying to campaign off Hurricane Matthew and made an
Fight! Hannity Vs. Megyn Kelly over Trump
Ok, we all know by now Hannity is an epic Trump fanboy and Megyn Kelly is an uber leftist who
Trump-Clinton now basically tied in New Hampshire (Boston Globe)
For awhile, New Hampshire looked like an easy state for Clinton. After the media gas lighting last week proclaiming the
Hillary Clinton uses child actor Brennan Leach to ask questions at PA town hall
Ever heard of a child actor named Brennan Leach? I haven’t. But Hillary Clinton has, and used Brennan Leach as