Even though Donald Trump held a press conference with rape victims of Bill Clinton, the media talking heads are exploding,
Tag: Donald Trump
45th President of the United States
Bill Clinton is a rapist shouted at Milwaukee campaign event
Bill Clinton is having a hard time drawing people out to his rallies for his corrupt wife. Wherever Bill Clinton
Jose Gilbert Vega and Lesley Zerebny Palm Springs officers killed
Jose Gilbert Vega and Lesley Zerebny have been identified as the two officers killed in Palm Springs by a left
Jim Sensenbrenner yells at protester at Wisconsin Fall Fest VIDEO
Obnoxious, Chicago born “Republican” Jim Sensenbrenner decided to yell at people attending Wisconsin’s Fall Fest. The so called protester was
Fall Fest Wisconsin crowd shouts “shame on you” at Paul Ryan VIDEO
Wisconsin “Republicans” are generally cowards. Paul Ryan, Scott Walker, Ron Johnson and Rinse Pubis are the “best” Wisconsin has to
War on cops: 3 officers shot in Palm Springs
Update: Now confirmed, two of the three cops shot were killed. The progressive leftist war on cops takes two more
John McCain, who called his wife cunt in public unendorses Trump
I always love it when progressive RINOs think they endorsement matters. Take for instance John McCain. He “unendorsed Trump” today
Only 1% of #PodestaEmails have been released by Wikileaks
Oh, yea. Rememeber that other story yesterday that the media ingored? Partial transcripts of Hillary Clinton speaking to Goldman Sachs
More #TrumpTapes are coming….
To no one’s surprise, more Trump tapes are coming. This is obviously a coordination between the media, GOP establishment and
Sabotage: Ryan and Reince Pubis were all in on Trump tapes
Turns out Paul Ryan Munster and Reince Pubis were all in on the Washington Post Billy Bush video, talking about