There are just 45 days until Hussein Obama’s reign of terror comes to an end. Meanwhile, while the Democrat continues
Tag: Donald Trump
45th President of the United States
CNN’s Stelter: Trump is Authoritarian because he mocks ‘journalists’
Wah! CNN and one of their main hacks Brain Stelter continue to prove that Donald Trump lives rent free in
100 precincts in Milwaukee recounted: Clinton lost 17,000 votes Trump lost 1,700
More fun from the Clinton-Soros-Stein recount. With 100 precincts in Milwaukee counted, Hillary Clinton has lost a whopping 17,000 votes,
Wisconsin Stein-Clinton recount: Trump gains 2 votes on Clinton
The Wisconsin recount by Stein-Clinton and George Soros is still going on, wasting tax payer money and resources in Wisconsin.
Donors duped! Stein-Clinton recount in Pennsylvania cancelled
Anyone who was stupid enough to donate to the Jill Stein, Hillary Clinton, George Soros clown show recount in any
Gitmo terrorists scared shitless, needed tranquilizers on election night
It seems that the progressive liberal filth Democrats and media in this country couldn’t handle Trump’s win on election night.
CNN weak apology for Suzanne Malveaux and crew joke Trump’s plane crash
CNN is trying to apologize for Suzanne Malveaux and crew joking about Trump’s plane crashing before giving his speech at
CNN Suzanne Malveaux and crew joke Trump’s plane crashed VIDEO
CNN Suzanne Malveaux and crew are now joking (and hoping) that President-elect Donald Trump’s plane crashed. The video of Suzanne
Deserter Bowe Bergdahl begs Obama for a pardon
No surprise, desperate and traitor Bowe Bergdahl is begging Hussein Obama for a pardon. Don’t be surprised if Obama grants
Post election placards used by Hussein Obama Vs. Trump
Remember when Obama won the election in 2008 and he paraded around the country with his “office of the president