Every day, CNN finds new ways to embarrass themselves. Chris Cuomo is one of the most offending idiots at CNN
Tag: Donald Trump
45th President of the United States
Huffington Post under FBI investigation
Leftist, Fake News propaganda site Huffington Post is now under investigation for voter fraud. One of their crazy leftist writers
Class action lawsuit against CNN for paying black employees less than whites
It’s a “whitelash” I tell you! A class action lawsuit has been filed against CNN by two black employees, Celeslie
CNN Jake Tapper spreading FAKE NEWS over Linda McMahon pick
Remember when CNN, Jake Tapper and the rest of the media whined about ‘fake news’ that cost Hillary Clinton the
Ben Carson now labeled black white supremacist by Democrat Salon
Now that Ben Carson has been chosen by Donald Trump to be his HUD Secretary, the leftist Democrat media is
Michigan recount tossed out
The Clinton-Soros-Stein money can’t seem to buy what it used to. The “recount” in Michigan is done before it even
Democrats may try to ram through Obama SCOTUS after recess
When Donald Trump the election in November, Republicans and conservatives celebrated the fact that the Supreme Court wouldn’t turn left
Time gives Trump horns on his Person of the Year cover
So Donald Trump is Time Magazine’s Person of the Year for 2017. Not really surprising since Trump defied all media
CNN forced to retract “fake news” label of Gateway Pundit
CNN continues to come apart at the seems. After the election of Trump, they have gone absolutely bat-shit crazy with
Texas presidential elector Chris Suprun uses Van Jones firm for PR
Figures. Texas presidential elector Chris Suprun who wouldn’t vote for Trump on December 19th uses Van Jones firm for public