What is it with Trump hacks and young women anyway? Now, Trump executive Nathan Crisp was charged with misdemeanor assault
Tag: Donald Trump
45th President of the United States
Michelle Fields forced out of apartment after Fox and Buzzfeed post her address
Michelle Fields has been getting plenty of threats before Fox News an Buzzfeed posted her address and phone number online.
Trump: be around unsuccessful people, because everybody will respect you
So this is Donald Trump’s secret to success eh? Always surrounding himself with unsuccessful people so others will respect him?
Ted Cruz pulling away in Wisconsin
Next Tuesday is the winner take all primary in Wisconsin, and it’s looking good for Ted Cruz and bad for
Trump wants “punishment” for women who get abortions
The Donald Trump clown show has rolled into MSNBC where tonight, he is doing an interview for some reason with
Trump top 3 government requirements Security, Health Care, Education
According to Donald Trump, the top three things the federal government is responsible is security, health care and education. That’s
Donald Trump is scared of pens
Donald Trump is afraid of pens now. During the GOP Town Hall on CNN, while he was bashing Michelle Fields,
Fascist New York Gov. Cuomo bans travel to North Carolina
Fascist Andrew Cuomo, governor of New York and brother of CNN liberal hack Chris Cuomo is banning all ‘non-essential’ travel
Newt Gingrich turns on Trump VIDEO
Newt Gingrich, who has been riding Trump’s nuts for months appears to be turning on Trump like Ann Coulter after
Capitol shooter – Larry Dawson black, left wing extremist
No wonder the media has been so coy in releasing information on Larry Dawson, the black thug who caused lock