All that talk from Democrats claiming they need to ‘change’ the party was just for the ‘stupid’ American voter. Democrats
Tag: Democrats
And now a message from Debbie Wasserman-Schultz on Democrat destruction VIDEO
LOL! Hello Democrats! Debbie Wasserman-Schultz wants you to know that even though Democrats were completely destroyed in last week’s election,
Democrat Ron Reynolds convicted on six charges
Texas Democrat Ron Reynolds was convicted on six misdemeanor charges, including ‘ambulance chasing’. The corrupt Democrat Reynolds, who is a
Mark Udall advocates condone voter fraud (Video)
So voter fraud doesn’t exist eh? Mark Udall advocates condone and have no problem with voter fraud. James O’Keefe dropped
Disgusting Georgia Democrat mail ad
You probably already know just how sick, twisted, and downright pitiful progressive liberal Democrats are. If you’ve paid any attention
Arizona Democrat Fred DuVal supports sex-abortion for 14 year old
Democrats are starting to resemble ISIS terrorists more than Americans. It seems Democrat Fred DuVal, who is running for Governor
Vest or Vote – racist Democrat ad – vote or cops will shoot you VIDEO
Vest or Vote is a new, racist Democrat ad by some left wing group called ‘Dream Defenders’. The ad is
Harry Reid bodyguard attacks Jason Mattera (Video)
Jason Mattera was attacked, basically assaulted by one of Harry Reid’s body because Mattera dared ask Reid a question about
Democrat John Hickenlooper threatens to grant clemency to mass shooter if he loses
Democrat Governor of Colorado John Hickenlooper is on the verge of losing his bid for re-election. Hickenlooper is so desperate,
Complaint filed against Democrat Dallas County Judge Clay Jenkins
Dallas Country Judge Clay Jenkins was virtually unknown until he went into going into the apartment where Ebola patient, Thomas