Another Comey lied has been exposed. Jeff Sessions during his testimony today in front of the Senate flat out denied
Tag: Democrats
Four members of Mueller’s team have donated to Democrats
It’s bad enough Robert Mueller has a big conflict of interest with his pal James Comey and is the special
Judicial Watch Sues Obama DOJ
Obama and Loretta Lynch are in enough trouble already, after Comey spilled the beans about Lynch telling Comey what to
Trump needs to fire IRS Commissioner John Koskinen
Donald Trump rightly fired worthless James Comey as FBI director, though I would have prefered he did it when he
Rhode Island Democrat hands out document with porn references
What the hell is it with Democrats and porn? Rhode Island Democrat, Ramon A. Perez handed documents to his colleagues
Comey being sued for covering up evidence of widespread spying on Americans
A former U.S. intelligence official named Dennis Montgomery is suing corrupt James Comey and other hacks in the U.S. Government
Reality Winner @Reezlie on Twitter: being white is terrorism
Reality Winner is all over social media. She’s even on Twitter. Going by the name Sara Winners with the Twitter
Reality Leigh Winner Facebook page
Reality Leigh Winner Facebook page is still up for those who want to check out what a Democrat traitor looks
Reality Leigh Winner leaker! Democrat Arrested for leaking classified info
Reality Leigh Winner has been discovered as a leaker of classified information. Loser Leigh Winner is 25 years old and
Wasserman Schultz fakes voice on call to law office
Debbie Wasserman-Schultz is in deep doo-doo and she knows it. Wasserman Schultz threatened the chief of the U.S. Capitol Police