Nancy Pelosi’s net worth is estimated to be around $130 million dollars. So when the crumbs hag starts whining about
Tag: Democrats
Maxine Waters attended Nation of Islam Convention where Louis Farrakhan defended Palestinian suicide bombers
Just like Keith Ellison, Maxine Waters attended a Nation of Islam Convention with Louis Farrakhan as the main speaker. Keith
DNC docked Seth Rich’s last paycheck for being dead
I know the DNC is desperate for money, but docking Seth Rich’s last paycheck after he died? That’s pretty damn
Bruce Ohr Hid wife Nellie’s Fusion GPS payments from ethics officials
Hey look! More corruption from the already corrupt DOJ. Bruce Ohr, the #3 man at the DOJ under Obama, and
Comey held secret Obama White House meeting before Trump inauguration
Mueller’s BFF James Comey, the corrupt clown who was the FBI under Obama apparently held a secret ‘strategy’ meeting iwth
McCabe May Have Asked FBI Agents to Change 302 Forms
Looks like insurance policy Andy McCabe may have mishandled classified data and changes 302 forms in the process. If true,
Three Democrats attended private dinner with Iran’s President and Louis Farrakhan
Three Democrats, including two Muslims, Keith Elison and Andrew Carson attended a secret dinner with Iran’s president and crazy Louis
Obama spies gave $100,000 to Russian who wanted to sell material on Trump
A bombshell report by amazingly the New York Times reveals that Obama had US spies pay $100,00 to a Russian
Cristina Garcia who championed #MeToo movement under investigation for sexual assault-harassment against male staffers
Life comes at you fast. If you are a hypocrite Democrat like Assembly Woman Cristina Garcia, who is known for
Democrat Mark Warner tried to arrange meeting with Russian oligarch lobbyist in London
Dirty Democrat Mark Warner, the goofy other Senator from Virginia (what the hell happened to that state? didn’t want to