Jill Biden is one power hungry, elder abusing ass. Apparently now she’s keeping veggie Joey away from anyone (Democrats included)
Tag: Corruption

Hunter Biden pushes veggy Joe to stay in the race at Camp David
And here everyone is blaming Jilly and calling her an elder abuser….. Turns out you can add crackhead Hunter Biden
Believe it or not, 27% still think Biden is cognitively competent to lead the country (according to cBS)
First of all, ANYONE who thought Biden was cognitively competent to lead the country in 2020 were idiots.. But there

Wait, what? Nancy Pelosi says TRUMP has dementia, not Biden
CNN is circling the wagons, bigly after Biden’s debate debacle.. So they brought on Nancy Pelosi from San Francisco to

Here comes Kamala! Biden may be gone, feels ‘humiliated, devoid of confidence’, will discuss campaign with family at Camp David on Sunday
It looks like it’s finally coming to an end for old, senile, decrepit Joe Biden.. According to his propaganda agents
Jill Biden’s former spokesman Michael LaRosa says only way to dump Joey is to come from Congress
The elder abuser’s former spokesman, Michael LaRosa says that the only way Democrats are able to dump old Joe Biden
Joe Biden needs to grasp Jill’s arm to walk after arriving in the Hamptons for more fundraisers
And the elder abuse continues… Not only does Joe Biden appear like he doesn’t know where he is, he also

LOL! The Democrats Twitter-X account says Biden won the debate last night and they are getting ratioed into oblivion for it
The communist Democrat’s propaganda is on par with the old Soviet Union… No wonder they are so obsessed with Russia
Biden and media make excuses for debate disaster, claims he has a cold now
So, are we going to be given the claim from the media Democrats that Biden’s debate disaster was a “deep
Jocelyn Nungaray laid to rest in Houston today, media silent
12 year old Jocelyn Nungaray, who was killed “allegedly” by an illegal alien in Houston was laid to rest today,