Like her husband, Hillary Clinton has now been caught committing perjury. It’s not like it matters that more e-mails between
Tag: Corruption
Hillary Clinton favorability sinking, below 2008 levels
Hillary Clinton’s favorability plunge is approaching historic levels. It’s so bad for the old Granny Clinton that her favorability rating
Hillary Clinton using old photographs to be more ‘relatable’
When you are circling the toilet like Hillary Clinton is, you try everything before you eventually sink to the bottom
Four month gap in Hillary Clinton’s e-mails
Imagine that. A timeline of Hillary Clinton’s e-mails at State Department reveal a four month gap in which Clinton did
Hillary Clinton apologizes on Facebook
So this is the new campaign style for Hillary Clinton? Apologize for illegally having a private server with classified information
Barvetta Singletary Obama staffer resigns over assault charges
Barvetta Singletary an Obama White House staffer has resigned over assault charges. You would think this would be big news,
Bryan Pagliano no record of reporting income from Clinton
Bryan Pagliano was Hillary Clinton ‘tech guy’ who set up to private e-mail servers and maintained them through 2013 when
Granny Clinton paid for server with private funds
Not only did old granny Hillary Clinton lie about sending and receiving classified information over her ‘private’ server, but she
Hillary Clinton twice refuses to apologize for email scandal VIDEO
Hillary Clinton finally sat down for an interview with the corrupt news media. Problem is, the entire was conducted by
Hillary Clinton e-mail server also hosted Clinton Foundation
Not only was Hillary Clinton’s private toilet e-mail server hosting classified information from the State Department, her Clinton Foundation e-mails