Amazingly, the corrupt Obama IRS is set to turn over all of Lois Lerner’s e-mails to the House Ways and
Tag: Corruption
Lois Lerner held in contempt of Congress
The vote in the House is complete and Lois Lerner has been held in contempt of Congress. About damn time!
House to vote on special counsel for IRS probe this week
Are Republicans finally growing a set? After this past week of announcing a special investigator will examine the Benghazi cover-up
Bombshell Benghazi e-mail also sent to Muslim Brotherhood operative Mehdi Alhassani
Mehdi Alhassani was the leader of the Muslim Student Association (MSA), a Muslim Brotherhood front group and attended the sister
Large partnership ignored for auditing by Obama’S IRS
Over 1,000 tea party and conservative groups were targeted by Obama’s IRS for delaying approval of non-profit status, auditing, and
The six biggest lies about Benghazi
So many lies about Benghazi, so little time. Ben Shapiro at Breitbart has compiled a list of the six biggest
Where was Obama during the Benghazi attack? Doing debate prep!
People want to know? Where the hell was Obama when the Benghazi terrorist attack was going on? Now we know.
Harry Reid Bunkerville, LLC owns 93 acres of land near Bundy ranch
Hey, remember Harry Reid’s corruption trying to grab the Bundy Ranch via eminent domain? Now it’s been discovered by Before
Brett Hulsey – KKK hood Democrat allegedly had inappropriate contact with a minor
Brett Hulsey, the KKK hood loving Democrat and gaped toothed goober who is running as a Democrat to replace Scott
Former CIA director Mike Morell went to work for Ben Rhodes’ brother at CBS
Former CIA directory (and part of the Benghazi cover-up) went to work for Ben Rhodes’ brother at CBS. David RHodes