Good thing for criminal Hillary Clinton that she is a Democrat. She gets media protection just like Obama. Clinton didn’t
Tag: Corruption
Chaka gone! Corrupt Democrat Fattah resigns House seat
Chaka Fattah, the corrupt Democrat (who the media refuses to identify as a Democrat) has decided to resign his congressional
Democrat Chaka Fattah convicted of fraud
Chaka Fattah is a Democrat, and was a long time representative of Philadelphia. Today, he was convinced on multiple counts
CBS breaks federal law with straw purchase of AR-15 in Virginia
CBS, one of the failing alphabet networks and another propaganda tool of the gun grabbing left made an illegal straw
Clinton donor placed on a sensitive government intelligence board, name omitted from docs
Rajiv K. Fernando is a name your going to be hearing a lot of in upcoming weeks. Turns out Rajiv
Hillary Clinton has no answers for these cash donations
The Clinton Crime Family, under the banner of the Clinton Foundation had business relationship with 20 foreign governments during the
Yep, looks like Hillary Clinton and AP colluded to supress Sanders turnout
Yep, it looks like Hillary Clinton and the AP colluded for days, at least since June 4th to come up
Corrupt Clinton-Kerry State Department admits to deleting video
Remember Jen Psaki? Turns out that corrupt liberal hack from the Hillary Clinton-John Kerry State Department deleted videos intentionally deleted
Katie Couric is mad she was caught deceptive edit anti-gun video
As is typical for progressive hypocrites, they never take responsibility when they are caught doing things like Katie Couric. She
Hillary Clinton e-mail scandal about to get worse
EMailGate as some have called Hillary Clinton’s e-mail scandal is about to get much worse for the corrupt old hag.