Here’s yet another amazing coincidence of collusion between the DOJ and the Clinton investigation. Peter Kadzik is not only John
Tag: Corruption
5 Clinton family members, cronies under FBI investigation
Did you know that it’s not only Hillary Clinton under FBI investigation? Probably not, since the media doesn’t mention it.
State Department suddenly finds 323 Clinton e-mails – some classified
Well lookie here. The State Department has suddenly found another 323 e-mails to and from Hillary Clinton. And some of
Wikileaks: Podesta takes Assistant Attorney General Peter J. Kadzik to dinner
Maybe someone can explain this. John Podesta e-mailing Assistant Attorney General Peter J. Kadzik for a dinner date, during the
New Clinton e-mails likely include deleted classified info (says CNN)
Uh oh. The Clinton News Network is actually reporting on something that was sink Hillary Clinton. Turns out that among
FBI also investigating Clinton Foundation
Lost among the media hysteria about the re-opening of the Clinton e-mail server case is the fact that the FBI
650,000 e-mails seized from Weiner, thousands sent to or from private server
Wow! 650,000 e-mails have been seized from the pervert Anthony Weiner. Thousands of which are likely to have been sent
Huma Abedin swore under oath she gave all devices With Clinton emails
Huma Abedin apparently lied under oath to protect Hillary Clinton. While under oath during the original FBI investigation, Abedin swore
Prophetic tweet from Trump about Weiner-Abedin in 2015
Lets go back to August of 2015. Donald Trump tweeted the following: Huma Abedin, the top aide to Hillary Clinton
Corrupt Loretta Lynch tried to stop Comey from re-opening Clinton case
Loretta Lynch, aka Eric Holder with a vagina didn’t want Comey to re-open the FBI case of Hillary Clinton and