The New Hampshire Attorney General office has opened a probe of possible Democrat voting violations in the New Hampshire primary.
Tag: Corruption
Clinton Foundation subpoenaed
More good news for the Clinton Crime family. Clinton Foundation subpoenaed Investigators with the State Department issued a subpoena to
At least a dozen email accounts handled ‘top secret’ intel on #Clinton server
Drip.drip.drip…. At least twelve different e-mail accounts on Hillary Clinton’s homebrew, unsecure secret server handled top secret intel. Yes, 12
Hillary Clinton gets more delegates in New Hampshire than Bernie
Hillary Clinton got her clocked cleaned last night in New Hampshire. Communist Bernie Sanders beat Hillary Clinton 60% to 38%
FBI confirms investigation into Hillary Clinton emails BOOM!
Granny Clinton fall down, big time! The FBI has confirmed an investigation into her emails containing top secret and classified
1 voter at an Iowa caucus precinct, votes for Sanders yet Hillary wins
Meet Keane Schwarz. He caucused for Bernie Sanders in Iowa precint Woodbury County No. 43. Keane Schwarz was the only
Iowa Democrats altered Grinnell precinct’s caucus results
So it’s come to this. Hillary Clinton has to cheat in order to be a geriatric socialist to ‘win’ the
CNN broke story about Ben Carson, not Ted Cruz staffer
All day, Ben Carson has been whining about ‘dirty tricks’ of the Ted Cruz campaign leaking a story that Ben
#CoinGate 60 Sanders Iowa caucus participants disappear
CoinGate with Hillary Clinton is still an unsolved mystery. It seems that around 60 or so Bernie Sanders caucus goers
Hillary Clinton awarded tie breaking Iowa delegate on coin flip
Hillary Clinton is claiming victory after getting just a few more votes than a 74 year old Communist. The delegate