Remember back in 2013 when James Clapper was caught lying under oath to Congress about spying on the American people?
Tag: Corruption
Obama was “Spier in Chief” according to Wikileaks Vault 7
Just how dark is Obama’s deep state trying to take out Trump? They went so far as to insert malware
NYT Jan 20, 2017: Wiretapped data used in inquiry of Trump aides
All the news that’s fit to print seems like it doesn’t exist anymore. That is if you read the propaganda
Gen. Flynn conversation with Kislyak wiretapped at Trump Tower
Uh oh. Looks like Newt Gingrich dropped a truth bomb about Obama wiretapping Trump Tower on the O’Reilly Factor tonight.
Russia has information that Democrats used tax-dollars to pay for anti-Trump protests
Ah, so this must be why the Democrats are always trying to blame Russia for hacking the election, when in
Congress will investigate #ObamaGate wiretap
The fun is about to being. Devin Nunes, chairman of the House Intelligence Committee has announced he will open an
Clinton appointed judge approved FISA wire tapping
What a not so amazing coincidence. After the first FISA request was denied in June, the second request in October
White House sources acknowledge wiretapping is TRUE
Oops. More bad news for Obama and his surrogates in the media.. White House sources are confirming that the Obama
Words don’t lie: October 2016 new FISA request, wiretaps continue at Trump Tower
Obama is trying to get around being caught with his pants down wiretapping Trump Tower by claiming neither he, nor
Fake News: Sessions never had phone call with Kislyak
The media continues to beclown themselves, now claiming a September 13th 2016 phone call occurred between then Senator Jeff Sessions